Long Live——让我们自豪地对自己说“万岁”



  美国乡村乐歌手Taylor Swift的歌曲Long Live就向我们讲述了一个勇者无惧的故事。这首歌是Swift为自己的团队、粉丝以及那些曾经默默支持她的人写的。她希望通过这首歌告诉大家,她一直在努力,尽管一路走来并不是一帆风顺,但她依然会保持乐观向上的人生态度,为了梦想而勇往直前。在歌曲中,Swift有力地反驳了那些质疑她的人,她告诉大家,她会用实力来证明自己,用歌声让人们铭记。



  Long Live

  I said remember this moment

  In the back of my mind

  The time we stood with our shaking hands

  The crowds in stands went wild

  We were the kings and the queens

  And they read off1) our names

  The night you danced like you knew our lives

  Would never be the same

  You held your head like a hero

  On a history book page

  It was the end of a decade

  But the start of an age

  Long live the walls we crashed through

  All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

  I was screaming, “Long live all the magic we made”

  And bring on all the pretenders

  One day we will be remembered

  I said remember this feeling

  I passed the pictures around

  Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines

  Wishing for right now

  We are the kings and the queens

  You traded your baseball cap for a crown

  When they gave us our trophies2)

  And we held them up for our town

  And the cynics were outraged

  Screaming, “This is absurd”

  ’Cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped-up jeans got to rule the world

  Long live the walls we crashed through

  All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

  I was screaming, “Long live all the magic we made”

  And bring on all the pretenders

  I’m not afraid

  Long live all the mountains we moved

  I had the time of my life

  Fighting dragons with you

  I was screaming, “Long live the look on your face”

  And bring on all the pretenders

  One day we will be remembered

  Hold on to spinning around
 Confetti3) falls to the ground

  May these memories break our fall

  Will you take a moment

  Promise me this

  That you’ll stand by me forever

  But if God forbid fate should step in

  And force us into a goodbye

  If you have children someday

  When they point to the pictures

  Please tell them my name

  Tell them how the crowds went wild

  Tell them how I hope they shine

  Long live the walls we crashed through

  I had the time of my life with you

  Long, long live the walls we crashed through

  All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you

  I was screaming, “Long live all the magic we made”

  And bring on all the pretenders

  I’m not afraid

  Singing, long live all the mountains we moved

  I had the time of my life

  Fighting dragons with you

  And long, long live that look on your face

  And bring on all the pretenders

  One day we will be remembered

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