


More than 400 people gathered at a park by the Yangtze River on Friday night to celebrate the "Singles" Festival" -- some looking for fun, others for a lasting relationship.

Women threw knitted balls to the crowd, a traditional way of knotting a romantic relationship. On the ball were attached the girls" names and phone numbers.

It was the first time such an event had been organized in this city in southwest China.

The festival was also marked in other parts of the country.

For Mr. Cheng, 46, manager of a communications firm in Chongqing, the event provided another venue for him to meet his dream lover.

"I have been to marriage service agencies many times. But what they really care about is the service fees," he said.

Among the crowd was Mrs. Tang, 50 , who accompanied her 28-year-old niece.

She hoped the young woman could catch the attention of a wealthy man.

"There are many talented people here. But what is important is to find a husband with a car and a house," she said.



节日贺词 元旦 春节 除夕 元宵 情人节 圣诞 端午 妇女 光棍 感恩 母亲节 父亲节 中秋 重阳 国庆 庆典贺词 结婚贺词 生日贺词 开业贺词 乔迁贺词 升学贺词 对联贺词 英文贺词 其他贺词